shipping info
Shipping is available to most countries.
Shipping costs are calculated based on: (1) the products that are being delivered, (2) the shipping address based on the country of your residence. The exact price for shipping to your country will be displayed at checkout.
Shipping times are estimated and are to be used as a guide only. We will do our best effort to ship the products to you within 5 – 7 days from the date of the order confirmation.
Shipping is not made directly by us, but by a third party – an international courier services.
Deliveries can take longer than expected due to custom’s clearance procedures in certain countries. In case of delay due to customs, you will be notified either by us or directly through the relevant shipping company, and may be requested to assist in order to release the package. We are not responsible for any delays in the delivery or any expenses due to customs, security process or an act of God.
Please note that additional import taxes may apply based on the country of your residence. If you are unsure about the taxes that may apply – you should contact your local authorities and find out before placing an order on http://moodo.co online store. In case you need specifications please contact [email protected]
Any import taxes or any other costs incurred in connection to import as well as custom clearance are at your own care and expense.
We are not liable for any damage, delay, cost or expense arising out of or related to shipping. If you had received a damaged item, please contact us immediately at [email protected]
If your package cannot be successfully delivered for reasons that derive from you – such as, providing wrong address or other contact information, failure to schedule a delivery, absence at the shipping address when delivery is attempted, non-compliance with import regulations, etc. – it is possible that your package will be resent back to us and additional costs or expenses will arise. In such case, you will be required to bear such costs or expenses and we will contact you to reschedule an additional delivery at your own expense.
Delivery options:
“Signature required” – applies for all orders with Moodo devices. Your delivery will be scheduled. US shipments require an adult signature at the delivery address (someone at least 21 years old). Shipments to other countries – courier services may obtains a signature from someone at the delivery address, a neighbor, building manager or someone at a neighboring address.
“Leave at front door”, available only for capsules orders. Please note that by selecting this delivery option we (Moodo) are not responsible for any missing packages.
This Shipping Policy may be amended by us from time to time, and constitute an inseparable part of the terms & conditions.